Home NewsRegulations & Licenses ITIA sanctions tennis betting offenses

ITIA sanctions tennis betting offenses

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An ex-professional player and former official has been sanctioned by the International Tennis Integrity Agency for betting related offences.

David Gorsic is a former Slovenian player and Steven Nguyen is an Australian official who has not been active in the national level. They both admitted betting on tennis when they were covered by the Tennis Anti-Corruption Programme.

Gorsic admitted that he bet between 2017-2018. He reached his career high of 1 399 in 2015.

Three months are suspended from the six-month suspension. He will be ineligible between the 21st of May and 20th August. The fine was also $5,000 (PS3,926/EUR4,660), of which $3,500 is suspended.

Nguyen was found guilty of betting on tennis from 2021 to 2023. He has been an official at ITF Junior, Wheelchair and W25 competitions. The punishment will be a 3-month suspension, from 23 May until 22 August, and a fine of $2,000, $1,400 suspended.

ITIA has not released any additional information about the case. The ITIA confirmed that Gorsic, and Nguyen are prohibited from participating in or officiating any tennis events sanctioned or authorised by ITIA members.

ITIA is continuing to fight tennis corruption

These sanctions are part of the ITIA’s crackdown against betting and corruption.

Last month, ITIA banned Venezuelan Armando Belardi from playing tennis for life. It was after he had been charged with 26 violations of the TACP.

Emanuele Bastia, an Italian tennis player who admitted to betting on the game of tennis in May was also suspended for a period of four months and two week. In the meantime, Austrian wheel chair tennis player Nico Langmann was fined for violating sponsorship betting rules.

Alejandro Mendoza Crespo was recently banned for life and Jorge Panta Herreros for three years. The two cases were linked with a larger syndicate in Belgium that led to Grigor Sargsyan being sentenced to five years of custody.

Seven players received a ban in November, ranging from 1-3 months. After they had been found guilty of violating the TACP, seven players were banned in November for varying durations.

In the following months, a number of players faced charges similar to these.

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