Home Finance Episode 29: Maryland, cannibals and the issue of cannibalisation

Episode 29: Maryland, cannibals and the issue of cannibalisation

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Mickey Ferri, Laura O’Laughlin and Brendan Bussmann join Brandt Iden and Brendan Bussmann to discuss a recent study that shows online casinos actually increase the market share rather than eat away the land-based shares.

Maryland’s case against cannibalisation

Ferri and O’Laughlin told the World Series of Politics that mobile gaming was a completely different experience than in-person gambling. It’s unlikely that mobile gaming will replace casinos, but rather complement them.

Maryland has an additional incentive. In Maryland, 30% of the people surveyed are planning to visit a casino out-of-state. Marylanders are making a decision to play igaming when they’re out of the state. This is a great opportunity for growth.

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Maryland’s igaming industry: what is at stake?

The Maryland General Assembly will adjourn today, 8 April. While the igaming legislation HB1319 was passed by the Maryland House of Delegates in March it is still stuck in the senate’s budget and taxation panel.

Jill Dorson reports that this suggests the bill doesn’t need enough votes to move forward. Vanessa Attabeary has defended the bill as its sponsor and said that there is no need to worry about cannibalisation. She also said that the bill was crucial to replacing offshore gambling with an alternative legal option, and it’s “incumbent upon [lawmakers]” to regulate this market.

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