Home Finance SkyCity Adelaide Casino licence investigation will be reopened

SkyCity Adelaide Casino licence investigation will be reopened

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Image: Neil Cox/Shutterstock

The Honourable Brian Martin will resume his independent review of SkyCity Adelaide‘s suitability to have a gaming licence in the near future.

This investigation was resumed after the conclusion of proceedings between the casino and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre over its violations of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Act of 2006.

In July 2022 the investigation into SkyCity Adelaide started after Consumer and Business Services the South Australia gambling regulatory authority appointed Martin as an independent examiner under Section 22(2) of The Casino Act of 1997 (SA), to determine “the suitability for SkyCity Adelaide in continuing to hold its SkyCity Adelaide license and whether SkyCity was still a close partner of SkyCity Adelaide”.

In February 2023 the investigation was held up as Martin informed former Liquor and Gambling Commission Dini Soulio he could not determine whether or not the casino would be suitable for a license until AUSTRAC’s proceedings were resolved.

SkyCity Adelaide then received a directive from the Commissioner to appoint a monitor who would “oversee an ongoing program to ensure that the casino is meeting its anti money laundering, counterterrorism funding and obligations to minimise gambling harm”.

The Federal Court of Australia ruled last week that SkyCity Adelaide must pay A$67m to AUSTRAC as a penalty for AML/CTF Act violations.

The Acting Liquor & Gambling Commissioner Fraser Stroud requested that Martin recommence his investigation. It is anticipated to be complete by the end the year.

Stroud commented, “Given that the AUSTRAC proceedings are now finalised I’ve decided to recommence Mr Martin’s review.”

The best way to assess the casino’s suitability is to resume the work that he did before the AUSTRAC hearings began.

Kroll Australia was appointed by SkyCity Adelaide to supervise its efforts in meeting SkyCity’s anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorism funding obligations since Mr Martin’s report has been put on hold.

When Mr Martin continues his investigation, these developments will be considered.

SkyCity and SkyCity Adelaide stated in a press release that they “will continue to work with Consumer and Business Services and Acting Commissioner on the Independent Review”.

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