Home NewsMarketing iDEA Growth releases responsible advertising code

iDEA Growth releases responsible advertising code

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iDEA Growth is a US-based non-profit organization that focuses on online interactive entertainment. It has updated its responsible advertising code, which applies to online gambling and sports betting.

The code is aimed at its members and outlines a number of marketing principles that encourage them to promote responsibly.

First, adhere to the legal obligations relating to gambling. Advertising rules are different in each state.

iDEA Growth can only market online gambling and sports wagering to those players who are over 21 years old, unless the state has a law that requires 18+.

Advertisements should make it clear that betting is for adults only and avoid using characters or entertainers who appeal to young audiences. Advertisements should not be placed on any media appealing to an audience below the legal age limit or featuring promotional products that are appealing to children.

A second principle is to limit college and university advertisements. The members must not advertise at colleges or universities, except in certain cases, like alumni communications.


Fourth principle: Adverts must contain messages about responsible gambling. It also includes complying with any state-mandated requirements, such as a free helpline number.

Ads must adhere to this rule and not suggest that someone could achieve financial success or any other kind of success by betting or playing. Ads must not promote betting and gaming to help people out of trouble financially, nor should they use language that implies “risk-free” gambling.

Final principle: Code compliance must be implemented and monitored. The Responsible Advertising Committee of iDEA will annually review and update the Code.

Members will train their staff to comply with the code. iDEA offers a mechanism through which members and third parties can report any non-compliance.

Advertising sports betting and online gaming is vital to the growth of an industry.

iDEA stated that it was committed to a “legal, regulated, and healthy market” by supporting the competition, increasing consumer choices, and promoting responsible gaming industry initiatives.

However, online gambling and sports betting must be promoted in an appropriate manner to the right audiences.

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